FAQ: Can I parallel a 1 kW APS unit with a 2 kW APS unit to get 3 kW?

Yes you can. However, both units must be of the same family (either N6900 series or N7900 series, but not both). The units must also have the identical voltage rating.

Applies to: N6950A, N6951A, N6952A, N6953A, N6954A, N6970A, N6971A, N6972A, N6973A, N6974A, N6976A, N6977A

Applies to: N7950A, N7951A, N7952A, N7953A, N7954A, N7970A, N7971A, N7972A, N7973A, N7974A, N7976A, N7977A

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